Scheduling simplified
Supercal is designed to hand back the 24 million hours Americans spend every year scheduling meetings.
Coordinating group meetings can be a headache of endless emails and scheduling conflicts. We wanted to create a tool that could streamline the process of collecting availability from meeting attendees, tracking responses, finding a mutually available time, and sharing calendar invites.
Supercal’s AI powered scheduling assistant, Alex, does just that! Simply cc in an email chain with your attendees, and Supercal will find and share calendar invites for your meeting, at a time that works for everyone.
Take scheduling
into the age of AI
Here's how we do just that
Instant reply
Cc alex@supercal to initiate a meeting. Supercal reaches out to guests on your behalf to capture their availability.
Auto reminders
Supercal follows up with guests to share updates or prompt those who forgot to share availability to do so.
Event creation
Supercal creates an meeting from your calendar, and includes your guests and meeting details.
Click reschedule
Select "reschedule" and Supercal with notify your guests and find a new time for your meeting